Thursday, August 28, 2008


This week in my english class, we were given our first major assignment- a persuasive essay. We were then given a list of around twenty five to thirty things, varying everything from abortion to women's rights to the war in Iraq to same sex marriages. As you can see, some of them were some very controversial issues. One particular topic on the list struck my interest immediately. Pornography. I am the only one writing about it in all four classes that my teacher teaches. That seemed strange to me. You would think something so incredibly prominant for boys and even girls for that matter around my age would be more popular. But to my suprise, that was not the case.

As i've been doing research on both sides of Pornography this week, i've learned a few things. Did you know that the industry brings in ten to fifteen billion dollars a year? Although that doesn't strike me as very surprising, it's definitely a large number. Did you know that an average american boy sees pornography by the time he turns eleven? Did you know that are more than 4.2 million pornographic pages on the internet? Obviously, this industry is huge. I found a quote on the internet from a writer of the New York Times Magazine and this is what he said: Porn is "no longer a sideshow to the is the mainstream," he said.

The thing that makes me angry about pornography when it comes to Christians, is that some Christians see absolutely no problem in it. How can they believe that? It's something that I feel I will never fully be able to grasp. God says it right in the Bible, and unlike some things that can tend to be somewhat confusing in the Bible, this is not one of them. It is so incredibly clear. I feel as if I may be a bit opinionated on the subject, however, i've seen first hand what pornography can do to relationships, and it is not something you would ever want to witness.

In the past year or so as i've matured in just my outlook on life, that is definitely something i've learned. Those who don't have Christ will do anything they please, whenever they please, to whoever they please. Those who do have Christ would like to do those things, but they have Christ within them and have the choice. But our world is still filled with sin, and nothing but.

For any guys out there that struggle with this, whether you are Christians or not, i’m sorry if this has in any way offended you. But this what I believe to be the truth and what my passionate opinion on the topic is.


Anonymous said...

Wow, those stats are disturbing! What a great opportunity Taylor to be such a great witness for Christ as you write this essay. I think maybe God orchestrated you being the only one to write on this topic because perhaps your particular paper will stick out in your teacher's mind more so than the others. Love ya! Karilee

The Porter Family said...

Hey Taylor :) This is Krystle from Moon Valley Bible :) I found your blog through Karilee's, and I will put it on my blogroll so I can see what you are up to!! i just LOVE blogging! I know you will too :) And i completely agree w/you on the whole pornography just makes me sick! But we live in a fallen world and praise God that we still have men out there who really love Jesus and are trying SO hard to overcome that war! Welcome to the Blog World!!!