Thursday, April 23, 2009

final copy

I posted a thing a couple weeks ago about adults perception on teens and how a good majority of them don't really respect us, and after that, I decided to write an editorial on it for my school newspaper. Hence, the final copy. Enjoy. :)

In today’s world, many people have different opinions about teenagers. Over the years, a stereo-typical attitude has been built against teens.
Whether or not people think we’re irresponsible, disrespectful or just uncaring in general, many have negative opinions about teenagers.
Although every single student here on campus is guilty of those actions, we are not all as bad as adults may perceive us to be. Kids our age will be disrespectful, they will be antagonizing. However, it all comes with the age.
Most kids my age are not going to have everything figured out, nor are they going to be the ones with much self preservation.
Although teens may act that way, we’re not all as bad as some adults think we are.
Sometimes, I’m not sure if adults think about how our generation of people will be the, the new leaders of this world. You would think that would be obvious, however, I’m not sure if that is the case.
In 2012, when the next presidential election takes place, the majority of people my age will definitely be taking part in that process. And then soon after that, we will be the one’s in offices, we will be the ones in nursery homes taking care of our elders. People have to accept the fact that although they may not respect us now, they will have to eventually because of the responsibility that we will soon all have to take on.
Many adults demand respect from us, yet don’t even respect us in the first place.
In this world, people aren’t expected to get along. There is no way for all of us to all agree with one another, but if adults demand respect from us but don’t ever even give it to us, what is that teaching us?
I realize that people my age are ignorant, irresponsible and disrespectful. I fall into that every single day. But the thing I’m not sure some adults realize is that not all teenagers are like that all the time.
Whether or not they realize it or even care in the first place, teenagers can do those things, and some do all the time, but most adults don’t give them the time of day.
I don’t like that people are constantly bagging on people my age for the way we live our lives. At one point, everyone has acted this way. I’m not excusing the fact that teenagers behave badly at times, but teenagers are going to act that way. It’s how we learn from our mistakes and eventually mature into adults.
The people who don’t typically respect my age-group don’t usually like kids in the first place. But what I would ask from those people is that they don’t immediately assume that all teenagers are so terrible and make that judgment call based exclusively on how to we look, talk, and act.
I’m tired of people underestimating people my age. As if we have nothing to offer, nor anything to give. Because, in reality, it is quite the opposite.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

be still

ever feel like all your doing is going through the motions?
living life with seemingly no purpose. I know that God is there, I know He is within me. But sometimes, I feel like that presence is absent. Sometimes, the things of this world just make me want to cry. The things of this world are so difficult. If I didn't have Jesus Christ in my life, things would be so much worse. I can only imagine what one feels like without God in their life going through the trials that we go through.

cause I stole your soul,

Baby just ask once more
'Cause I saw your door wide open,
but the floor is still freezing.
Hailey, I was sick and I'm still quite unwell.
Tell me it's you or nothing at all.

'Cause I stole your soul
You said I'd never be able
But oh, the whole world is still on my string

Second time now and you've done this before
Drive around the back so I can't see them,
But you're still freezing.
Let me take your coat and your keys and this car,
'Cause I’ve been unwell far too long now.

'Cause I stole your soul
You said I’d never be able
But oh, the whole world is still on my string, oh

But oh, the whole world is still on my string
And oh, the whole world is still on my string,
Yeah, is still on my string

Thursday, April 2, 2009


this life is so hard sometimes. when I have days like these, I want to curl into a ball and cry. Ever feel that way?

I know, i'm encouraging.